a look at 2012 // wedding.portrait.travel.life

2012. A year of goals being met, countless hours behind our cameras, growth, change, seeing place we've never seen, expectations being exceeded, taking risks, and getting to meet so many incredible people during the last 12 months of this journey. When we think back to this year we can only say that we are truly blessed. We love what we do + getting to capture life with our cameras is a gift that we are so thankful for. We got to witness so many beautiful moments this year + you are about to see a few of them. At first, the task of picking some of our favourite images was a bit overwhelming. Thousands of pictures were taken this year + how do we narrow it down to under 200 images? So we might not have picked the 'best' or even your favourites but they are the images that make us feel something. I'm not going to apologize for the length...instead I'm going to warn you that it's a long one so you may want to grab a coffee, put up your feet, and take a few moments out of your monday morning to enjoy a few of the beautiful moments we saw this year. Thanks to those who allow us to do what we love. Thanks for supporting us + encouraging us. Thanks for being awesome.